A fearless young navigator, Kiara is on a mission to find out more about some of the foods she loves in her homeland of Aotearoa, New Zealand. Follow Kiara as they sail the seas and visit Pacific island nations in a race-the-clock scavenger hunt collecting native fruits, vegetables and kaimoana for local aratohu (guides).

Simple navigation and race mechanics are the key to this game where kids become Kiara - an explorer, navigator and food gatherer. Kiara’s on a quest to discover more about the origins of some of the food we love while also finding out about those that are less familiar.

Travelling to beautifully illustrated island nations, on their journey players will meet local aratohu (guides) who present them with challenges to collect food from around the island as well as encounter help and hazards as they sail the Pacific waters. Meet and discover unique people and exotic foods on this wonderful island adventure. 


Kiara’s Story

Growing up in Aotearoa Kiara has always enjoyed local kai and kaimoana with her whānau, while some of her friends and their whānau have introduced her to some exotic kai from the Pacific Islands. She was fascinated by the variety and dreamt of exploring the vast ocean on an exciting kai discovery journey.  Kiara spent many hours studying the art of wayfinding, learning how to read the signs of the natural world and to follow the path of the ancestors. After learning enough, it was time for her to embark on her journey. 

She gathered some supplies and along with her dog Alfie, Kiara set sail on a pahi (a traditional pacific canoe) - on a mission to explore the islands and discover more about these foods and their origins. 

But it’s no breeze, it seems word has spread and the locals have been eagerly awaiting Kiara’s visit so she can lend a hand with gathering kai for their celebrations. As soon as she arrives at each island the local aratohu (guide) immediately put her to work collecting kai and kaimoana. Kiara has her work cut out for her but along the way she meets some amazing people and discovers even more wonderful and exotic foods as well as those she knows and loves.